Pregnancy is supposed to be one of the times when you are at your most beautiful. Everyone tells you that you will have the glow that graces every pregnant woman and that you will never look more beautiful. That's not always true, all the hormones your body produces during this time will definitely affect your skin as well. It is important to pay attention when it comes to pregnancy and skin care.

Besides morning sickness and lower back pain, there are several skin conditions that women are susceptible to when they are pregnant and caution should be used when choosing products to treat these symptoms. When it comes to pregnancy and skin care it's not just mommy that is being treated, in an indirect way your baby may be affected by the products you use.

Prevention is always best

As always it is best to prevent rather cure when it comes to pregnancy and skin care. Stretch marks are the most obvious side effects of pregnancy. Shop around for stretch mark creams and oils that will help to soften and hydrate your skin to increase elasticity. Stretch marks occur from a lack of collagen as your body expands with the baby's growth. Keeping your skin supple will help to reduce stretch marks.

Hormonal changes also cause a condition called melasma. Melasma is a skin condition that causes pigmentation around the eyes, cheeks and above the lip. Pregnant women with fair complexions or of Asian decent are more susceptible to this skin condition. Simply using a moisturiser with a sun block component to it will help in preventing this condition, as skin is more sensitive to discoloration.

Back to Nature

Pregnancy and skin care also includes treatment for acne; all the stories of glowing skin during pregnancy are not completely true. Some women who do not regularly get pimples may suddenly find themselves with outbreaks of acne. Products that can be absorbed into the blood stream should be avoided completely. Such products will have adverse effects on your growing baby. It is best to use natural products with no synthetic ingredients. Avoid products with fragrances or funky colours. If possible look for products catered to pregnant women. It is always best to go natural when it comes to pregnancy and skin care.

Balancing Act

Your skin is more prone to dehydration during pregnancy. A few simple switches in the products you use can help counteract the dryness you may feel; for instance, instead of soap use a moisturising body wash. It's also a good idea to look into products that are pH balanced to avoid the drying out effect of normal soaps and body washes. You should also moisturise your whole body more than usual during pregnancy to get that sought after glowing look.
Murad, a seller of skin care products, was founded by dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad in the late 1980s. Murad offers an extensive selection of skin care products, most geared towards treating acne and reversing the effects of aging. Dr. Murad is the author of the book The Murad Method. He has appeared on E! Network, NBC, and ABC to promote his products.

The Murad company slogan is, "Where skincare meets healthcare." Dr. Murad also overseas the Murad Day Spa in El Segundo, California. Murad skin care products are designed to address common complaints people have about their skin including signs of aging, damaged skin, acne, dull skin, cellulite, etc.

The Murad skin care website is set up so that users can click on their unique skin problems and instantly receive a "recommended regimen" of treatment. For instance, clicking on the problem "hormonal aging" (i.e., menopause) takes the user to a recommended regimen of "Resurgence Night Regimen Products" and a "Firm and Tone Dietary Supplement Pack" Like the hormonal aging regimen, most Murad skin care regimens consist of cleansers, treatments, moisturizers, and, unusual for a skin care company, dietary supplements.

Murad Skin Care Product Reviews

Murad skin care products are relatively expensive, with small bottles of liquids and gels routinely selling for $50 or more. With the price that high, it is interesting to observe what users have to say about the efficacy of the products. A check of online reviews reveals that opinions about Murad skin care products tend to be mixed.

A few users, especially of the Murad Acne Kit, complain that the product dried and irritated their skin and even caused acne flare-ups (although to be fair, these are common initial side effects of most topical remedies for acne). Several online reviewers stated that the product was too harsh for sensitive skin or that they had suffered allergic reactions from one or more of the ingredients. Another common complaint was problems ordering Murad skin care products online.

Other users deemed the products "excellent." These reviewers were mostly people who had used the product over a period of time. Most stated that acne breakouts were well controlled with long-term use. Some also stated their skin looked and felt younger after using Murad skin care products.

It is interesting and telling to note that most reviewers, even the ones who gave the products positive ratings, mentioned price as a drawback of using Murad skin care products. If cost is an issue for you, you would probably do well to try a less expensive line of products.

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