If you are among those who are extremely concerned about the ravages that old age may bring along for you, then you will be happy with what this article is about. This article discusses a fool-proof way to prevent aging with the help of a simple antiaging skin care treatment.

Thirty is the Time to Start Your Antiaging Skin Care Treatment

Many people wait for too long to start their antiaging skin care treatment, and therefore end up with a lot of difficulties and lukewarm results. Those who want to have perennially great skin should work on the principle that, "prevention is better the cure." There was an anecdote I once read about a man named Nassir-ud-din Hodja. Once upon a time, Hodja asked his 11-year-old son to carry his earthen pot to the well and bring it back full of water.

When the boy went to bring the earthen pitcher, Hodja caught him and thrashed him soundly. On hearing his cries, his neighbor came running and asked him why was he beating the boy. Hodja answered, "I am beating him so he would not break the pitcher."

Seeing the pitcher totally safe, the neighbor was puzzled, "But he has not broken the pitcher, yet. Why are you beating the boy?" Then Hodja turned his attention to the neighbor after landing a last sound blow on his son and said, "What would be the use of me beating him after he broke the pitcher? I am thrashing him before, so he would not do it."

This is exactly the same with your skin. There is not much use to starting your antiaging skin care treatment after the wrinkles have already set in. By that time, the damage is already done and it will be hard to reverse it. Rather, you should concentrate your efforts on preventing this from happening, and hence prolong a youthful look for as long as you want.

The best time to start with antiaging skin care treatment is in your twenties. Pamper your skin with all that it takes to keep it supple and young. Do not allow anything to rob it of its youth by maintaining a permanent vigil against the ravages of aging. While you are following an antiaging skin care treatment, you should ensure that you count on organic, herbal and natural products more than the chemical products available in the market. Chemical products would almost always have some drawbacks or other which will counter the goodness they impact.

It is true that men are usually perceived as rough and tough who do not need too much beautification. However, men too like and need to take care of their skin. Okay, they do not take care the same way as women do; but they do it in their own way because they need to.

Men's Skin Care is Different

The skin of men is different because they have higher levels of testosterone in their blood for which their skin is thicker and gets lesser wrinkles with age. Because of the skin thickness, men's skin has more sebaceous glands also, which produce more oil. This oil traps the moisture inside the skin providing natural protection against dryness.

Women regularly need to exfoliate their skin to keep wrinkles at bay. Men on the other hand do not have this need, since they shave daily and their skin is exfoliated in this process. This and the fact that men's skin is thicker, makes it more carefree than the skin of women. This explains why men look better in their 40s and 50s effortlessly, while women need a lot of care to maintain a youthful look at that age.

Hence, men's skin care is quite different from women's in the fact that it does not need so much attention and pampering as the latter. However, men's skin care includes the same routine, i.e. cleansing, toning and moisturizing as the women's. It is heartening to observe that men have started paying attention to their facial skin, a thing that was unthinkable say, some two decades ago as this would have been considered unmanly. Macho was synonymous with ruggedness, roughness and carefree looks. Facial skin care was considered and still is in many parts over the globe, a womanly thing.

Fortunately, the past decade has seen a great change in this trend. Men are not ashamed to be portrayed as sensitive and suave; being caring, sentimental and aware of their looks is not considered unmanly or a homosexual trait anymore. This trend is reflected in the sudden boom in men's skin care products in the market. There are moisturizers, toners, fairness creams, tanning creams specially formulated for men and the segment is increasing every day.

Beauty salons which cater specially to men have seen a brusque increase in demand. Men are regularly going for facials and overall enjoy a good regime of men's skin care. Side by side they are more aware of their overall health and particular about their eating habits which also reflects on their skin and looks.

There are a number of different herbal skin care products and even some traditional herbal medicines that have always been used to improve the condition of skin and scalps as well as to combat eczema and dermatitis. Most of the natural formulations are derived from directly extracting herbs into the carrier oil and then blending the infused oils as per the original formula which states that it should not have any mineral oils or lanolin or animal fats.

Herbal skin care products may help in relieving itchiness, inflammations, irritations as well as combat dandruff and help in having healthier skin. Herbal skin care products may be used continuously on sensitive types of skin and they may be used for treating irritated skin as well as for skin itchiness, redness and inflammations.

A Balanced Mix of Nature's Beautifying Effects and Nutrition

Traditionally, skin remedies as well as beauty aids had been perfected even though it took many centuries to achieve and today, modern skin care has found a number of effective and alternative remedies. Herbal skin care products are able to provide a balanced mix of nature's beautification properties along with nutrients that are nourishing and antioxidants that the skin can easily absorb.

A natural skin care bath as well as herbal skin care products helps in nourishing, restoring, revitalizing and healing the skin. There are a number of different herbal skin care products including herbal facial cleansers, herbal oils, herbal ointment balmflower, herbal treatments for burns and sunburns, Revia is used in revitalizing and rejuvenating the skin, as well as herbal treatment for wounds and sores.

The herbal skin care products that deal with herbal face cleansers use herbal extracts of Calendula, Cucumber, Nettle, St. John's wort and Melissa and are useful for cleansing, refreshing and revitalizing the skin. The herbal cleanser takes away the skin oils, make-up as well as entrenched impurities and also fights off skin infections, inflammations, and acne.

The herbal oil is an extract that is made of herb and vegetable oil and this herbal skin care product is sometimes referred to as infused oils and has been in use for many years and has been known to herbal medicine and cosmetology for some time. This herbal skin care product has seen it applied in medicines to treat skin problems and help to heal skin injuries and they are rich in nutrients and can also be used as a dietary supplement.

In maintaining our health, we often undergo a variety of examinations, try to eat right and submit to routine checkups on a periodic basis. Also, in maintaining physical fitness we often involve ourselves in a regular physical fitness regimen. All of these endeavors are designed to keep us healthy, keep the body functioning properly and endeavor to ward off the effects of yearly birthdays.

However, one significant organ of the body that is often overlooked, in our desire to maintain our youthfulness, is the care of our skin. The healthy human skin provides many benefits to the overall performance of the body's health and as such requires the care and concern given to any of the other organs of the body.

One such measure of care that can be given to the skin is through the application of anti-aging skin care cream. A proper skin care cream, formulated from a variety of ingredients, can enhance the skin's function and provide nurturing.

Enhance Function of Skin

The skin care cream that you select will never replace the natural function of the skin nor the skin's ability to rejuvenate itself. However, there are skin care cream products available that will enhance the work of the skin.

Therefore, a good skin care cream product will add to the skin's softness, provide balance and help to maintain the youthful appearance of the skin. Also, maintaining the elasticity of the skin is important. Often, as we age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity which causes the skin to sag and become wrinkled. Look for a skin care cream that will enhance the work of collagen within the skin.

Nurture the Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body and as such provides many important functions in maintaining the health of the individual. Therefore, it is important to nurture the skin.
Nurturing of the skin can be accomplished by protecting the skin, eating the proper foods and applying skin care cream. A nurturing skin care cream will provide deep moisturizing, bring the proper balance necessary for healthy skin and cleanse the skin as well.

Suggested ingredients found in quality skin care cream products include vitamin A. Vitamin A will help to promote the deepening growth of the skin and help in the exfoliation process. In addition, skin care creams can contain ingredients that can slow down the aging process. Ingredients such as cojic acid and bilberry can help to reduce or eliminate pigmentation of the skin associated with aging.

Have you heard of the saying, "A stitch in time saves nine"? Well this is what a little proactive skin care can do for you. Save those nine stitches and the trouble you will undertake to get them done. Take note of the advice given in this article. It may change the way you look forever.

Aging Starts as Early as When You Exit Your Twenties

There are many factors that can play havoc with your skin, your face, your hair, the way you look in general. Learn to keep one step ahead of all these 'could-bes' by taking a few proactive skin care steps.

If you are pregnant, visit a dermatologist and find out first hand what could be the outcome of the sudden surge of hormones in your blood, on your skin - especially on the face. There are possibilities of getting dark spots/patches on the face, sudden dryness, pimples, and many other such fall outs.

The proactive skin care tips here would dictate that you counter these problems as per the doctor's advice. You should also take Vitamin C (and use Vitamin C products to lighten the skin) which will control these developments.

Add calcium to your vitamin supplements as soon as you cross 30 years of age, more so if you are a woman. Women tend to rapidly loose calcium with age, resulting in a number of avoidable problems.

Start a regular exfoliation treatment. Exfoliation makes for a very important aspect of proactive skin care with particular emphasis on the reversal of aging effects. You will need to apply treatments containing AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid) to have your skin maintain its glow and elasticity - especially around the mouth, eyes and forehead.

A very important proactive skin care tip is to avoid as much as possible to use strong chemicals on the face. Though the promotion advertisements would sell it as a great benefit for your skin, in reality for every good thing it does for your skin, it robs it of two vital things. It is better to use organic skin care products, and if possible even better to use home made alternatives. There is a homemade remedy for each and every skin care aspect there is; try to research on this to know more.

Never start smoking; if you did, quit it. Smoking is one of the most harmful agents for the skin, not to mention your lungs, your heart, your digestion, your bowel movements, and so on. It has been observed that smoking makes the skin look unhealthy, gray and lifeless. This is because the smoke sucks away the major part of the oxygen from the blood, leaving the skin starved for it. Thus, a healthy lifestyle is the key to healthy skin.

There are a lot of skin care products available in the market that claim to be organic, yet consumers are always warned to be extra careful, observant, and discerning before buying products that might not turn out to be as organic as they claim to be. In order to get the most of their hard-earned money, consumers are encouraged to purchase only certified organic skin care products that bear the official "certified organic" stamp issued by government-controlled bodies certified by an unbiased agency.

The Certified Organic Stamp

Skin care products that bear the "certified organic" stamp pass the strict standards set by government agencies that regulate the selling of organic skin care lines, which are then verified by an impartial agency to further screen the said certified organic skin care products.

Aside from using ingredients that are grown and processed according to strict government and organic agricultural standards, certified organic skin care lines also do not allow the use of synthetic chemicals, and have strict criterion with regards to animal testing. In a nutshell, certified organic skin care products not only contain the purest organic ingredients, but are also environment and animal friendly.

Why Certified Organic Skin Care Lines may be Better

Certified organic skin care products include cosmetics, toiletries, cleansers and perfumes that contain only the purest organic ingredients while being mindful to the environment. Since only the purest ingredients are used, these products only normally stay where they should, unlike skin care products that contain chemicals that are easily absorbed through the skin that rapidly enter the bloodstream. A lot of researchers and medical experts believe that this may pose serious threats to one's well-being in the long run, which may be enough reason for some to turn to certified organic skin care products instead.

Harmful Additives in Skin Care Products

Consumers must be aware that certified organic skin care products do not contain the worst additives that can do the most damage to one's skin. Some of these harmful additives include preservatives like formaldehyde, imidazolidinyl urea, methyl paraben, and methylisothiazolinone, synthetic fragrances, paraffin derived from petroleum or coal, isopropyl alcohol used as anti-bacterial agents also derived from petroleum, and sodium lauryl sulphate.

All these ingredients are found in different skin care products and whose prolonged use may cause adverse effects to the skin such as drying, irritation, redness and swelling. Certified organic skin care products contain gentler alternatives like grapefruit seed extract, potassium sorbate, sorbic acid, and ascorbic acid as natural preservatives. Thus, do your research and find the healthiest products for your skin.

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