If you are among those who are extremely concerned about the ravages that old age may bring along for you, then you will be happy with what this article is about. This article discusses a fool-proof way to prevent aging with the help of a simple antiaging skin care treatment.

Thirty is the Time to Start Your Antiaging Skin Care Treatment

Many people wait for too long to start their antiaging skin care treatment, and therefore end up with a lot of difficulties and lukewarm results. Those who want to have perennially great skin should work on the principle that, "prevention is better the cure." There was an anecdote I once read about a man named Nassir-ud-din Hodja. Once upon a time, Hodja asked his 11-year-old son to carry his earthen pot to the well and bring it back full of water.

When the boy went to bring the earthen pitcher, Hodja caught him and thrashed him soundly. On hearing his cries, his neighbor came running and asked him why was he beating the boy. Hodja answered, "I am beating him so he would not break the pitcher."

Seeing the pitcher totally safe, the neighbor was puzzled, "But he has not broken the pitcher, yet. Why are you beating the boy?" Then Hodja turned his attention to the neighbor after landing a last sound blow on his son and said, "What would be the use of me beating him after he broke the pitcher? I am thrashing him before, so he would not do it."

This is exactly the same with your skin. There is not much use to starting your antiaging skin care treatment after the wrinkles have already set in. By that time, the damage is already done and it will be hard to reverse it. Rather, you should concentrate your efforts on preventing this from happening, and hence prolong a youthful look for as long as you want.

The best time to start with antiaging skin care treatment is in your twenties. Pamper your skin with all that it takes to keep it supple and young. Do not allow anything to rob it of its youth by maintaining a permanent vigil against the ravages of aging. While you are following an antiaging skin care treatment, you should ensure that you count on organic, herbal and natural products more than the chemical products available in the market. Chemical products would almost always have some drawbacks or other which will counter the goodness they impact.
We are all aware of the benefits of using natural products in all aspects of our lives. The word 'natural' is bandied about in the food, cosmetics and even clothing industry. We are told that going natural is not only good for us but also for the environment. But how do we go about using natural cosmetic and skin care products? Do we have to make our own cosmetics for them to be considered natural cosmetic and skin care products? Fear not, there are natural cosmetics and skin care products available commercially so that you don't have to make your own products.

Convenience in a Bottle

Natural cosmetics and skin care products come packaged the same way that conventional cosmetics and skin care products do. The only difference is what is inside the products. Natural cosmetics and skin care products are safer because the ingredients used to make them contain no synthetic chemicals in these products that could cause cancer or simply inflame your skin.

Many generic products have ingredients such as alcohol that although appear to remedy your skin problems on the surface may actually be causing damage much deeper. Natural skin care products are less harsh on the skin and are less likely to irritate your skin. People with skin allergies would seriously benefit from using these products as most if not all natural cosmetics and skin care products are hypoallergenic. Just be sure that none of the natural ingredients are anything you are allergic to such as nuts and so on.

Socially Conscious

Using natural cosmetics and skin care products is a step in the right direction for your skin that is constantly being exposed to chemicals. Parabens, petrochemicals, dyes and perfumes are all present in your everyday beauty products. These chemicals allow your make up to last longer but at what cost to your health? Cosmetic companies are not being regulated enough when it comes to the additives and preservatives in their products.

Natural beauty products usually have a no animal testing policy and usually there is nothing in these products that would need anything as drastic as animal testing. Many large cosmetics companies carry out animal testing; stopping consumption of products that carry out this barbaric practise will help put a stop to this. The packaging on many of the natural beauty products is also more environmentally friendly. This way you are not only helping yourself but our animal friends and nature.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    You must avoid greasy creams and cosmetics, especially ones that contain oils and dyes because it can clog pores and can trigger the development of acne. dermatology laser

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