Antiaging Skin Care and the TCA Skin Peel
0 comments Posted by dzul89 at 11:16 AM Labels: antiaging skin care, skin care tip, skin care treatmentHuman beings have always sought the secret of eternal youth. Would it not be lovely to stay as beautiful or handsome as you are at 17 for the rest of your life? Is that really an unattainable dream? Humans have learned to fly in the thin air, have managed to reach and walk on the moon, have learned to travel on water - can they find a way to turn back the clock on aging? There are a lot of hopes that this is indeed possible.
Breakthroughs in Antiaging Skin Care Bring New Hopes Every Day
There are billions of dollars spent every year on research that could bring out the key to reverse time on aging as people would indeed give anything to have the secret. There have been a lot of herbs which stop the clock, such as goji berries, ging seng and red grapes wine and so on which somehow slows down the clock to a great extent. However, science is yet to offer something concrete in reversing the clock of aging.
There are compounds such as retinol, botox, collagen injections which give some temporary relief. However, none of these actually reverse the aging process as they would be expected to do. The plastic surgeons are still the only ones who can do this, but this is a mechanical process, and not reversing the clock in the real sense.
A Ray of Hope in Antiaging Skin Care
A Japanese dermatologist, Dr Obagi had created the Obagi Blue Peel which literally strips off dead and old skin from the face, bringing the face back in time by some 10 to15 years. The Obagi Blue Peel is an antiaging skin care treatment which requires two to three sittings in the span of one year which is quite expensive. Alternatively, the pure TCA peel is much more effective requiring only one sitting per year. These types of peels exfoliate the skin, restore the pH balance, unclog and clean the pores and stimulate the production of collagen.
This is a very effective antiaging skin care that produces amazing results, so much so that it is recommended to be included in all antiaging skin care regimens for any type of skin. Besides the cosmetic treatments, one should always pay attention to their diet for good skin will reflect whatever you eat. One should eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, fruits, and drink plenty of water if you want to have a healthy skin. No antiaging skin care regimen would be successful without a healthy and balanced diet.