A Few Critical Tips for Acne Skin Care
0 comments Posted by dzul89 at 7:24 AM Labels: acne skin care, skin care tipAcne skin is a condition usually affecting people with oily skin, though in some cases it is found even in dry skin. Acne develops when the skin pores gets clogged with grime and oil. Hence, the first acne skin care tip would be to keep the skin quite clean at all times.
Controlling Acne Need not be an Uphill Task
You will definitely find many tips, some exceptionally good, for controlling acne on the internet. You will observe, though, that the basic thing will always be keeping the skin clean and oil-free. In order to achieve this, you will need to develop a keen sense of anticipating and eliminating any formation of oil on the face and hair (since the oiliness of the hair spills over and provokes acne formation).

Develop the habit of washing your face often with plain water as often as you can, but especially after exercise, work in the house, coming from market, or any such slightly strenuous exercises. The skin will hence remain hydrated, while at the same time stay free of oil and grime that could clog the pores and form acne.
Acne Skin Care Tip #2
Shampoo you hair often - if need be do it every day, so you will not risk having the oiliness of the hair spill over your face and thus form acne on the face. It is very important that you understand the correlation between the oil and the formation of acne, and prevent it at all costs.

Forget about a skin tan forever if you have an oily face. Recent studies show that sun burn cause not only acne, but also skin cancer. Hence, if you find yourself too often working outdoors, it would be a great idea to use a good sun-screen. As it is, the suntan also fast-forwards wrinkle formation, so you are better off without this "luxury."
Problem skin: Lohan's skinAcne skin care Tip #4
could be taking a turn for the
worstdue to her recent wild antics
If you use makeup, always go for cosmetics that are non-comedogenic, i.e. which do not allow pores to close which in turn prevents acne formation from clogged pores. Needless to say, you should never use any oil-based makeup if you have acne-prone skin.
Acne skin care Tip #5
Use a pore deep cleansing face pack which will keep the skin radiant with health and cleanliness. This can be done once every two weeks, though it could be done once a week for best results. While we are on the matter of face cleaning, you should ensure that your face wash prevents oil formation. Your face is sure to be acne-free with the right care.
Our skin is exposed everyday to the weather, sun, rain and freezing temperatures as well as to pollution. Taking care of our skin is therefore important in order to keep it looking glowing and young.
What is Your Skin Type?
First things first, you must take the time and know your skin type; there are three main types of skin and they are: normal, dry and oily skin. There are people who have mixed skin types as well, which basically means, they experience two or all types of skin, for example, you can have an oily nose area and a dry or normal forehead.
Once you determine what skin type you are, the original skin care can begin. Original or natural skin care implies what you can do at home everyday without the help of a skin specialist. Here are a few tips, which will help you improve and maintain great skin tone.
Depending on your skin type, you need to choose a day and night cream, which you need to apply regularly in order to nourish your skin. Day cream is normally light, depending on the weather for example, in summer time you may opt for a lotion that is light so it does not clog your pores but still supplies your skin with natural skin care. In the winter time, you may choose a cream that is heavier because the weather is harsher and your face will dry quicker.
Night cream is essential as that is the time when your face can get rejuvenated and replenished. Original skin care for the nighttime should consist of a nourishing cream, which you must apply, only after you have cleansed your face thoroughly.
Cleaning and Exfoliating
Men or women need to clean their face every single evening before applying the night cream and the reason for that is the pollution in which we live, work and walk everyday. Try and see for yourself: take a cotton ball and with a little cleansing milk clean your eyes first and then your face and neck then, check the cotton ball - it will probably be dark gray or black. You accumulate dust and dirt over the day and that can cause damage to your skin by clogging the pores or aging it prematurely.
Exfoliating is yet another step of natural skin care. Cells die constantly and it is necessary to remove them from your face and body through the process of exfoliation. Face exfoliation is gentler than body exfoliation because the skin is far more delicate on the face. Try and exfoliate your face and body weekly for clearer brighter skin.
Original skin care starts at home; you will be surprised what a big difference it will make to your skin and appearance. You can also consult a beautician or skin specialist for further care and combating the aging process.
Four Topical Treatments for Acne Skin Care
0 comments Posted by dzul89 at 7:10 PM Labels: antiaging skin care, skin care tipAcne, or pimples, is an annoying condition that occurs when hair follicles in the face get blocked, allowing bacteria to grow. There are many misconceptions about acne. One of the most common is that acne is the result of poor hygiene habits. Some people who believe this actually make their acne worse by scrubbing their faces hard and irritating the skin. Other myths about acne include the idea that acne is caused by stress, and the idea that one's diet contributes to acne.
Perhaps the most painful and untrue myth is that acne should be allowed to run its course untreated. In fact, there is no reason why anyone should continue to suffer with acne. Dermatologists have many acne skin care treatments, both topical (to be rubbed on the skin) and oral (to be taken by mouth) that can help clear up acne outbreaks. This article examines the four most popular topical acne skin care treatments.
Acne Skin Care Treatment #1: Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl Peroxide is perhaps the most commonly used treatment for acne. The user should gently wash his or her skin and either pat it dry or allow it to air dry (no scrubbing). Then the Benzoyl Peroxide is applied to the affected areas. Benzoyl Peroxide typically takes several months to work. Some users stop using it too soon due to unpleasant side effects: most commonly, drying and irritation.
Acne Skin Care Treatment #2: Tretinoin
Tretinoin should be applied to the affected areas every night at bedtime. Typically, users see improvement in two or three months. Side effects include dry, irritated skin and sensitivity to light. Some users are dismayed to find their acne getting worse after using the product. This is a common initial reaction and should subside within a few weeks.
Acne Skin Care Treatment #3: Adapalene (Differin)
Like the other topical medications, Differin is applied to dry skin. Users can expect to see results in eight to twelve weeks. Differin has been linked with some of the same side effects listed above (e.g., sensitivity to light, initial flare-up of acne, etc.), however most users report that of the topical medications, it is the least irritating to the skin.
Acne Skin Care Treatment #4: Tazarotene
Tazarotene should be applied only to dry skin. It is recommended that users gently wash and dry their faces and then wait about twenty or thirty minutes before applying the cream. Results can be expected in six to eight weeks. Like the other topical medications, Tazarotene may cause redness, irritation, sensitivity to light, etc.
There is no reason why anyone should have to suffer from untreated acne when numerous products that can help clear up a breakout are available. If you have acne, do yourself a favor and make an appointment to see a dermatologist as soon as possible.
For those who appreciate having skin that is healthy and radiant, they are sure to be eager to know more about making their own skin care and cosmetics items. It is possible to make one's own skin care cosmetics and even start a small business in this direction. There are outlets that provide all the assistance, training as well as guidance needed in laying the right foundation in achieving success in the skin care and cosmetics industry.
How to Make
There is a great variety of high quality base and ready-made products available that makes it easy to buy or prepare one's own skin care cosmetic products. One may, if one so wishes, learn to make one's own skin care cosmetic products and these include bath bubbles, soaps, mascaras, as well as face masks.
In order to make one's own skin care cosmetics one may try making soaps with the help of pre-measured ingredients, containers, equipment as well as full instructions. It does not cost much and is far lower than retail stores. Another plus is that all of the ingredients are derived from nature-friendly raw materials that are safe to use.
Making mascara is another facet of skin care and cosmetics and one can make nine different mascaras of various colors if one has the recipe and the know-how to make the mascara. It is possible to make one's own mascara base cream and many packs come with 3x47gram mascara base creams, 3x10ml syringes, 3x70mm plastic hoses to attach the syringes, 3 spatulas, 10 mascara bottles, 2x10gram silk black mother of pearl color as well as 1x10gram purple mother of pearl color.
It is also possible to make one's own skin care cream and this would require having four liters of moisturizing cream and one liter of dry skin care cream that makes 166x30ml jars, which costs very little.
Whether you choose to purchase skin care cosmetics or prefer to make them at home it is necessary that whatever skin care cosmetics you use, they should be able to penetrate deeply into the skin where problems start which may include spider veins, loose skin, skin firming on eyes or necks or face or body. There are many different creams available for face care. These may be natural based or chemical based; either way they are helpful in preventing wrinkles and providing protection from the sun. The choice is yours.
Your Diet's Impact on Antiaging Skin Care
0 comments Posted by dzul89 at 4:21 PM Labels: skin care tipIf you are among those people who have dry skin, you will be anxious to find out ways to keep the skin hydrated for as long a time as possible. The lack of moisture makes the skin care for dry skin a great challenge. Women who have dry skin cannot wear make-up the way they would like to, as this would further sap the moisture from the skin. However, with a little care and a lot of patience dry skin too can be maintained as beautiful and supple as any other type.
The 1-2-3 Method of Skin Care For Dry Skin
1. Cleanse and exfoliate the skin - the first step in any skin care regime is to clean the skin first. Since the dry skin will have a lot of dead cell accumulation on its surface, side by side with cleansing, it will require exfoliation. Only after the dead skin cells are removed, that any cream make-up can be applied.
2. Moisturize the skin -dry skin always lacks in moisture, and thereby crinkling the skin. In order to keep the skin smooth, its skin care dictates to apply a lot of moisturizer. You will observe that in a few hours or so, the moisturizer tends to disappear and your skin becomes dry again. To prevent this, you may like to use a little glycerin; just a few drops can make a huge difference in the locking in of moisture.
3. Nourishing the skin - the dry skin is always starving. This is why its skin care will have to include a good amount of rich nourishing night cream which will restore its health and keep it nourished. This is best applied at night because at night, the skin is free from any dust and other pollution particles, and it can absorb sufficient nutrition.
If you need to have youthful skin, in spite of having dry skin, you will need to stick to this routine with a vengeance. Avoid cosmetics to the greatest extent possible, since this will further dry and damage the skin. If you do apply any, be sure that you remove it before you go to bed at night and remember to add a good measure of moisturizer to compensate for the loss during the day time.
During the day time, keep your face away form direct sunlight. Use a sun umbrella and a lot of sun-control lotion to keep your screen protected from the ravages of the sun.
Human beings are the only beings on the earth who actively fight off aging in order to preserve their good looks. Most of the time, when you are chasing after the magic antiaging skin care formula, you will ignore the most basic and effective ways to prevent aging from happening.
You are What You Eat
There is no more profound truth that the above statement. Nutrition plays a vital role in how we look, how we think, how we work and how we live. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors recognized this connection between nature and humans, and had respected its dictates. Today, humans negate most of the wisdom of the past in favor of man-made chemical cosmetics and antiaging skin care treatments.
The Ayurveda of ancient India, the medicine men of Egypt, and the wisdom of ancient China all point in unison to the fact that your diet can keep you young forever. Are you ready to adopt one that will help you to look your best, feel your best and work your best? If yes, then consider adopting several important steps.
Introduce water to diet. The most effective antiaging skin care treatment is plain water. You will need to drink minimum eight glasses daily in order to keep your skin hydrated from inside; anything less than that will promote skin dryness and thereby the start of wrinkles.
Introduce plenty of green vegetables into your diet. Green vegetables that can be eaten raw are the best possible tools for antiaging skin care. There is a wealth of minerals, vitamins, and essential natural resources that will take years away from your age. You would do good to have plenty of vegetable juice as often as you can. Fruits too can make a valuable addition to the diet.
Detoxify your body every six months to one year for healthy glowing skin. There are a great deal of toxins that enter our bodies through the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the liquids we drink. The majority of these toxins are flushed out by the liver, kidneys and skin. However, a good amount stays back and builds up slowing down the healthy processes in the body and counteracting any antiaging skin care treatments. It is very important that you undergo total detoxification at least once a year to enjoy good health and great skin.
Natural Baby Skin Care Basics
0 comments Posted by dzul89 at 7:11 PM Labels: antiaging skin care, skin care tipBabies have sensitive skin that requires only the mildest and gentlest skin care products to effectively care for, soothe and protect the tiny ones' skins. Most of the baby skin care products available in the market today contain mild and gentle ingredients that do not strip off the natural oils in their skin, and make a baby's skin retain smoothness and radiance.
There are also natural baby skin care products available that offer more than mild and gentle ingredients. Reliable companies that develop natural skin care products make use of natural ingredients, and have expanded their product line to include skin care products specially made for babies. Natural baby skin care products include creams, shampoos, lotions, oils and powders that are sure to pass parents' and doctors' most stringent tests.
Natural Baby Skin Care Lines and Label Claims
Parents and consumers can never get enough of carefully checking the labels before they purchase natural baby skin care products to make sure that the products they are about to pay for will indeed care for their baby's skin. Natural baby skin care lines are ideally developed to cater to baby's skin needs and are very bland, having no colorings or scents or other additives.
This tried and tested formula in making natural baby skin care products can avoid allergies, redness, and irritation that baby's sensitive skin commonly suffer from. There are baby skin care products that claim to be natural but only contain a small portion of natural ingredients and essential oils, and are not really natural. It is not unusual to find supposed natural baby skin care products of a fruit extract with a petroleum base, as well as added preservatives and dyes.
Aroma and Scent Free
Natural baby skin care products are also usually aroma or scent free despite the wide range of benefits that aromatherapy espouses. A mild, pleasant scent from natural oils like sweet almond, jojoba, calendula, evening primrose or natural vitamin E are not in any way harmful and are excellent ingredients in moisturizers, lotions, creams and ointments. These creams are ideal in treating baby's dry skin, eczema, sores, nappy rashes, cradle cap or skin irritations, swelling and redness.
These natural oils may also be added as is to warm bathing water for an added touch of moisture or may be used as massage oil. Medical experts believe that baby's skin matures rather slowly and their outer layer is highly permeable and very sensitive to chemicals, which is why skin care products that are devoid of additives are always recommended.
One way of enjoying aromatherapy is to inhale the fragrant aromas of its essential oils while the other method is to apply essential oils to the skin by using properly diluted preparations such as massage oils, mineral baths and sprays, all of which are aromatherapy skin care products.
Due to the molecular structure of essential oils, they can readily dissolve in the protective oily skin sebum in which they are rapidly absorbed and anyone who has chopped fresh garlic would readily know what it is all about as the aroma of garlic is soon inhaled, even before eating it. Aromatherapy skin care is safe and effective for the body to get attuned to the beneficial properties contained in essential oils.
A great way to experience the benefits of essential oils is through aromatherapy skin care as it benefits the surface of the body and also works deep into the skin thus leaving no part of the organism unaffected. The aromas work their magic through their fragrance not only on the skin but also on the mind and spirit as well.
Used for Thousands of Years
Aromatherapy skin care products have been in use for thousands of years and the essential oils have some powerful properties that further as well as maintain beautiful, healthy and youthful skin. In fact, the oils have been used since ancient times by Egyptians as well as Romans for cosmetic purposes for many centuries.
But, with the advent of newer chemical processes that were developed in the 19th century, it became easier as well as cheaper to manufacture synthetic versions of the aromatherapy oils that contained the fragrance but not the therapeutic qualities of the essential oils. In spite of that, in the present day and age, aromatherapy skin care products are sill very popular because of the benefits of using them and they can also complement orthodox medicines as well as help in skin care and general wellness.
When one uses aromatherapy skin care products such as aromatherapy oils, it helps the user because the oils get absorbed through the skin and enter the blood stream when massaging or when compressing or taking aromatic baths and some amount of these oils can also be inhaled while they are being applied. The smell in itself can have a positive effect on the mind and consequently on the body. Another benefit to inhaling the oils is that it has a direct result on the body as the inhaled oils can enter the blood stream.
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